Lynn Fox | Women in TN History | May 1st
Our speakers of late have been fantastic. This week he even came in costume an looked the part of our Gov. John Sevier, even though I never met him personally. I didn’t realize women played as much of a part as they did in history; as a female I should have. Hope you guys took notes. He also brought pictures and other articles (a dress his mother had worn in a picture he brought with him). Pictures are another form we have reduced to a art. It used to be a real production to take a picture and now we do it with out phones which is also a computer – hand held. The first computer I was introduced too had its own climate-controlled room.
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Speaking of speakers: These persons have been signed up for June and July:
June 05 Chris Kerr
12 Matt Hall
19 Mike Simpson
26 Linda Price
July 03 Carol Mohney
10 Jerry Winston
17 Jerry Faerber
We had one visitor, Clarence Beaman with the Parkinson Foundation.