Jerry Winston | Oct 30th | NASCAR racing
VOLUME 69 #32
Prayer: Carol Mohney
Pledge: Terrell Kerr
Guest from UT Speech and Hearing Department was Teresa Vaughn.
Bert West introduced his speaker, our own Jerry Winston. Jerry has been racing cars since the early 1950s. He took a motor off his dad’s lawnmower and put wagon wheels on it and drove it until the motor quit or it ran out of gas! When he was 16 every Friday and Saturday they met on Broadway to drag race. He attended Skip Barber’s 4 day school to train drivers and he graduated best in his class! He went to Savannah, GA to get a novice permit. He ran two regional races and got his professional license. He then got invited to be on a team to ride in the Daytona. The whole race was set up on computers to tell them when to stop and get gas. Some drivers there did not have that, including Jerry’s team. In 1987 he raced in an unlimited course with A J Foyt who was driving in the 210 – 250 MPH course. Jerry was driving in the 110 – 170 MPH class. A lot of cars broke down. Jerry was lined up to qualify in Charlotte and he saw A.J Foyt in line to qualify and A J had fallen asleep. His team woke him up when it was his turn to sign up! A fire system was built in Jerry’s car. The NASCAR drivers didn’t have them. NASCAR didn’t care about safety. NASCAR officials were looking for ways they were cheating. Jerry’s uncle did the timing and scoring for their drivers because they didn’t have enough drivers on their team to be able to do that. Jerry said Kyle Petty was one of the nicest guys in racing and was always willing to help. Jerry’s team car was kept in Bobby Ellison’s area. Jerry raced in the LaMaz and got to drive for 6 hours. That was fun because in most races they got to drive only 2 hours. But it was unnerving when someone flew past him driving 250 MPH!
Next week’s speaker is Libby Beidelschies from a group called “SPARK” and is a guest of Matt.
Sergeant at Arms Report: 13 members; 1 guest from UT S&H for a total attendance of 14.